These small acts of kindness make a difference

by Anita Hebeisen, HPCCR Volunteer Information Coordinator

You might think this is just another story about a volunteer, and it is, but the small acts of kindness that I am about to describe make HPCCR the organization that it is today.

Last week I had to contact a volunteer and let her know the patient she has been visiting is actively dying.  I am new at these uncomfortable calls, but mustered up the courage and called her.  As soon as I told her about her patient she said, “Thank you so much for calling.  I am going to head over to see him right away”.  I hung up and thought, “Wow, no hesitation, just, ‘I am going to head over to see him right away.'”   

I then called the social worker on the case to let her know that I had talked to the volunteer and then the social worker told me that she was also “heading over” to see the patient before he passed.  Mr. H has touched these people in a special way, and I know he will be missed.  I also know he too was touched–by a volunteer and a social worker, both of whom cared deeply for him and wanted to be with him at the end of his time. 

Because I am in the administrative area of HPCCR, I do not interact with our patients, but the stories and dedication of those who do inspire me and make me proud to work with this organization.

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